Monday, January 26, 2004
Man, that Javann is so hot right now. What it is, kumquats? How's everybody doing this lovely. . .what day is it? Monday evening. Unless its not Monday evening for you, then its neither lovely, or Monday, and may very well not be evening. So that's not applicable to everyone. So today I had millions of interconnected deep thoughts. It truly was a beautiful thing. There I was sitting in class and suddenly all of the thoughts that seemed to be missing came pouring into my head. I've yet to experience anything better than that moment. So what were some of the thoughts that came in? Well, in class we talked about the negroization of races and nations by the dominant majority. After some thought, I've come to the conclusion that there is also a dominant minority. The dominant minority is the accepted minority, though it may not really be mainstream, it has imposed its will on the majority through sheer ethical arguments, or through what I'd like to call the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Unfortunately, the grease isn't getting spread around to the other minorities. This case is generalized of course, and I'd love to give examples but this interconnected to another thought that passed and I begin to wonder how it was possible for minorities to forget other minorities in their supposed quest for equality. When it really hit me, the equality that was so sought after in all of the various civil rights movements through the ages in different countries, wasn't the equality of the moral kind. It wasn't asking for the end of prejudice, it was demanding that the discriminated be able to do as well economically as those who discriminated against them. Who cares how anyone views them, or that there are decades of prejudice to be torn down, all that was wanted was the right to essentially make money. Then this thought crossed my mind, why did so many people look down on stereotypes then? Some of it seems to be those who truly are looking for socio-economic second and moral and ethical equality first. And then there's those that only want the economic success, to live the dream if you will. These see stereotypes as an afront to their accomplishments and success, even as being a detractor from their social stance in a society and culture that is obviously geared towards emphasizing the importance of status and power. So they feel that these detractors must be removed, BUT the dominant minority only has those that are applicable to them removed, since for the most part they only want socio-economic success or equality, and not true moral-ethical equality. To keep other minorities bridled by stereotypes and prejudices simply serves as a economic boon for their every growing status, which was hard won, of course, but still not completely moral or ethical. An example used in an article in my textbook was the sports teams named after what may seem to some people to racial slurs, but its accepted because the minority it slurs isn't the dominant minority. (i.e. the Washington Redskins, the Atlanta Braves, the Canadian Canucks, etc.) Does the entire minority realize that in its struggle its burying those who seek what they do? Probably not. If shown the truth would they change from their paths. . .who's to say? What does any of this prove? Man will continue to dominate man to his injury. Apparently this conclusion is somewhat inescapable since when I brought this up in class, all of the students in the classroom saw no other alternative, at least not in the forseeable future. Ah well, enough of my endless thoughts, feel free to spit your own intelligence.
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