Wednesday, July 28, 2004

"The blind stares of a million eyes/looking hard but can't realize/they glare but they will never see. . ."
Anyone familiar with my dietary regimen will be shocked to find that I, Javann Lamar Jones, have been lured to the dark side.  That's right.  I have become an unwilling slave to the power that is coffee.  I can't seem to get enough of that funky stuff.  Its like someone is controlling my very soul.  Every morning (or time period of awakening really) that I wake up without a some form of coffee (I've been known to freebase the stuff) flowing into my veins or being ingested, is a day that frankly, I don't want to wake up.  Its like a day with no sunshine.  Sure you're there, but do you really want to be.  Terrifying really, but the grip that this holds on me is so strong that I'd sell my last piece of food and or clothing for coffee in the morning.  I'm contemplating getting a witty mug, preferably something in a 12 oz or 16 oz department, with some type of saying that emphasizes my undying loyalty to caffeine.  I'm sure my dentist will approve of my sudden affection for such a strong stainer of teeth.  Well, fie I say, fie to the dentist and his love of white healthy teeth.  Such is the immense sacrifice I shall make for coffee.  I'm not fond of my dentist anyway.  He's always telling me I should floss more, and there's nothing I hate more than a pious attitude when it comes to dental hygiene.  I'll floss after every chicken meal and not a night more!  Anyway, moving on. . .

The mp3 of the day you say?  I'd like it to be about coffee, but apparently my collection needs to grow a bit before that becomes a reality.  So I'll just put a song that makes me think about coffee.  That'll be good enough right?  Right.  Anyway, here's the goodness that is Tank! by Yokko Kano.  Makes you want to get up and go do something. . .like drink coffee. . .or hunt for bounties.  Bonus points for the cool people who know what this is the theme song for WITHOUT googling for it. . .posers. . .

My mood?

Milk?  Its good for putting in coffee, if say, you're out of nondairy creamer. . .

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