Its Friday. I spent the last thirty minutes debating about what to write about. Unlike most Friday's my mind is racing with thoughts. I blame this clean living and early morning waking up I've been doing. And lets not forget the recent events. Events so recent, and so eventful, I can't even begin to talk about them here. Shocking. Well, I'll now leave you with a little creative writing, and my mp3 of the day.
Say hello to the broken-hearted,
the dumb, the foolish, the blind, the downtrodden,
the crazy, the one's so lazy, they forgot what mattered,
and threw it all away.
Say hello to the broken-hearted,
the insane, the mentally challenged the emotionally retarded,
those who never spoke their minds, their hearts,
and they threw it all away.
Say hello to the broken-hearted,
the stupid, the ignorant, the hurt, the lame,
those who never win because they always play the game,
completely wrong and they threw it all away.
Say hello to me.
Today's mp3 is what is considered genuine emo. I know because Jerm told me so. I first heard this group while riding in his car. There's nothing like having Jeremy stop, look at you and say, hey, how about some EmO. That's how he says. Its like emu, but with an 'o'. Right. Anyway, here it is.
Understanding In a Car Crash - Thursday
I gotta stop thinking. . .
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