Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello? Is anyone out there?
Sometimes while I'm riding around in my delivery truck, I sit around and I wonder if this is what I'll be doing a few years from now. You know, delivering packages, then going home to type some thought I had that day into my blog, and maybe listening to music. Will I know how to play the guitar in five years? (Jon, I don't want to hear your constant harping on my lack of dedication to practice) Yes, you constantly harp about that. The only sure thing is that I'll be 29 in five years, and even that's not a sure thing, because I could be dead in five years.
So what? Obviously these thoughts stick with me, since my entire life is so embedded in uncertainty that it actually bothers me to have even one aspect like this shrouded in mystery. Truthe be told, I'd be the first to tell you I kind of like not knowing what's going to happen every day, as if living life were some sort of adventure where everything was new and exciting. In truth, my life is actually pretty boring. I get up, I work, I come back, I sometimes type stuff on the computer, and sometimes I sleep for long periods of time. Then I get up and I do it over again. Whatever happened to exploring, adventure, and wonder? I miss those things about being a kid. When I was a kid it seemed like my entire backyard was huge and no matter how much time I spend out there, it was always new to me. Where do I go now for that type of feeling? Hiking? I spend more time wondering when it'll be over whenever I go. The ocean? I can't swim. Artic exploring? Dangerous motorsports? I just wanted to throw that out there.
And what's up with this italicized voice all through my posts?
How do you know that i don't? You don't do you? I could be as good as I'm going to get on my own. . .maybe if someone would teach me? But that'll never happen will it? No, all that'll happen is harping.
Don't get me wrong, though. I like your harping Jon. Its cute.
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