Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Lord I feel like its raining all over the world/Raining, raining, raining raining raining/all over the world

Rain is only depressing if your not outside in it. If I'm inside and its raining, I tend to feel a little down, and like I need to go to sleep. But when I'm outside, and I'm delivering and going places, or even when I was a crossing guard and it would be storming outside while I directed traffic, I always enjoyed it. I had a rain coat, and I wasn't getting soaked inside out, so it was fun.

Think about it. The famous Gene Kelly song and dance routine from Singing in the Rain, ever do that in the rain? That's fun! Of course, I'm sure that if anyone asked Gene about having to shoot that while being drenched with water on a sound stage in Southern California, he'd probably tell you that was one of the worse days of his acting career. No one wants to be cold and soaking wet for three to four hours a day. Its not exactly what I'd call a good time. But for that thirty minutes when things get a little torrential, and I'm dashing in and out of my truck making deliveries, for that thirty minutes, I guess I kinda feel like a kid again. Albeit a big kid, but still a kid. And that's worth a little pneumonia in my book.

You have a book?


Anonymous said...

Good attitude. I guess I should get out in the rain a little more often.

Javann said...

The most grammatically incorrect post I've ever done. One day, I'll delete this.

But yes, rain is fun if you play in it.